
  • Dine personlige mål og behov (behovsanalyse)
  • Programlægning samt 1 opfølgning
  • Gennemgang af alle dine nye øvlser
  • Konditest (cadio)
  • kost Vejning og fedt % måling



6 pac.

Mave Øvelser af 20 min.

på boldt og knæ løft på pads

200 kr.

Madonna sharp.

Skulder træning 20 min.

3 øvelser med vægte og stræk så du får en fin form på skulderen .

200 kr.

Bye bye arms.

Triceps .  armen der siger farvel helt af sig selv når du vinker

3 øvelser træning af bagarme

200 kr.

Biceps 20 min  . (girl power )

3 øvlser af fronten på din arm for at forminske fedt på armen

200 kr

V. Shap

Ryg (Coren af din from det der giver dig talje)

40 min. Ryg træning med vægte og Øvelser på gulv.

450 kr.

Bizeps er godt at træne sammen med ryg

ryg & biceps

550 kr.

Core Cardio

1 Times  Cardio turbo boksning med Spark  hvor du bliver gennem varm  i Coren og ben ved spark og slag på pude pads  med dit valg af musik.

900 kr.

sidse 10 er stræk på måtte

Booty Builder.

Ben og numse

Bekæmper apelsinhud Sammen med Den rigtige Kost  . Flere Øvelser med vægt for at stramme op i Hele Kroppen

900 kr.

All around body workout hele kroppen på engang + 2x fedt % målinger

1000 kr.

Alle Øvelser anbetales at lave flere gang om ugen

Jeg er her for at lære dig at stå på ejen ben med din træning så du på sigt kan lave dem selv.

Da kosten er 75 % af den træning  byder Jeg en fedt % måling og  en forfriskene protin Shake el. vand Alt efter hvilken behov du har om du skal tag på i Muskler el. du skal tabe dig i fedt .

God fornøjelse

A Work out is  individual

Get one that fit’s your life style

You’ve taken a big step toward improving your fitness by joining my community where there is only on way the healthier way 

You can keep track on your workouts and life style while enjoying support and encouragement from me and other users. I will like to give you all the tools to get the most out of  your goal! Check out the tips below or Contakt me on

my E-mail


  • 1

    Perform a series of push-ups on a flat surface. Keep your arms spaced out about shoulder width apart right on your side.

  • 2

    Keep your feet tightly together and on your toes. Inhale as you lower your body and increase resistance.

  • 3

    Hold the position for at least 2 seconds, then exhale as you extend back to the original starting position. Push-ups are calisthenic total body workouts that emphasize your rear deltoids and anterior (front) deltoid shoulder muscles.

  • 4

    Perform at least 3 sets of as many repetitions as you can. Where you start to fail is your fatigue level.

    1. Lateral Raises

      • 1

        Stand upright with your head facing forward. Keep your feet spaced out hip width apart with your toes pointing forward.

      • 2

        Lift your arms laterally (on your side) until they are parallel to the ground. .

      • 3

        Hold the position for at least 2 seconds, then lower your arms down and repeat for at least 12 to 15 repetitions. Perform at least 3 sets of 12 to 15 repetitions.

      Front Deltoid Raises

      • 1

        Stand upright on a flat surface. Keep your head straight facing forward. Maintain a normal arch to your back.

      • 2

        Space your feet out hip width apart for stability. Start with your arms down at your hip, then lift them up straight forward until they are level with your front shoulder muscles.

      • 3

        Hold that position for at least 2 seconds then lower them down to your hip. Repeat the motion for at least 12 to15 repetitions. Perform a total of at least 3 sets of 12 to 15 repetitions.

      Standing Shoulder Press

      • 1

        Stand upright on a flat surface with your back normally arched and your head level facing forward.

      • 2

        Lift your arms to the side and bend your elbows at a 90 degree angle with your palms facing forward. You can also clinch your fists while still keeping your palms facing forward.

      • 3

        Slowly lift your arms straight to the top until you reach a full range or motion. Squeeze your top deltoid shoulder muscles.

      • 4

        Hold the position for at least 2 seconds then lower them back down to 90 degrees. Repeat the same motion back and forth for 12 to 15 repetitions. Perform at least 3 sets of 12 to 15 repetitions.


Whether he’s playing a pro quarterback or a federal agent, this leading man always looks the part

Jamie Foxx has a simple fitness goal: “I just want to get my tight on. If someone grabs your arm in a club, you want to let ’em know you’re sturdy.” He calls his current regimen his “grown-up” workout. “My shoulders started hurting from benching really heavy weights [350],” he says.

“So I look at the surfers. They have serious cores. How can I slim down and lean out?” He switched from big weights to a morning program of pushups, situps, and crunches—four sets of 25 of each.

He breaks up this workout by doing chores between sets: “Do 25 pushups, brush your teeth. Do the next 25 pushups, take a shower. Do another set of whatever it is, then fix your hair. Now the workout’s part of your morning routine, just like brushing your teeth. So get up in the morning and challenge yourself. Twenty minutes, you’re done.”

One thought on “FITNESS

  1. Sarchar er en dygtig og seriøs personlig træner. Du skal bestemt få personlig træning hos Sarchar, også selvom du er overvægtig og tænker det er flovt at vise hende din krop og dårlige kondition. Det er en fornøjelse at mærke fremskridt for hvert fremmøde og ikke mindst at se sin krops positive forandringer. Så, spring ud i et forløb hos Sarchar! Du vil blive SÅ glad 🙂
    Tove, årgang ‘ 64

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